Being INFP

30 Years of INFP
In 1989 at age 19, I found Please Understand Me and Type Talk in the psychology section of a B Dalton bookstore, a popular chain that no longer exists. I had recently moved out on my own, serving popcorn at a movie theater to pay rent. At that age, poor…
INFP Advantages: Authenticity
Being an INFP can make life easier not harder. No matter what MBTI type, people want to be happy and to feel fulfilled. Fulfillment comes from meeting our Six Needs. Happiness derives from feeling we have a control over the direction of our lives. INFPs have natural qualities that make…

Five Stages of INFP
As INFPs, we live in an internal dream world of our ideals where everything exists the way we think it should be. When reality forces us to wake up, it feels a little like dying. Elizabeth Kübler-Ross in her book On Death and Dying, wrote that people experience five stages…

Four success qualities of INFPs
Success is the achievement of a desired outcome. Whether it's to become a bestselling author or getting the world to leave you alone, success requires actions to achieve those goals. So why do some INFPs get better outcomes then others? All MBTI types have strengths and weaknesses. The strengths move…
These are my INFP thoughts
Someone asked me on Twitter how I became so knowledgeable about INFPs. The question makes me a little uncomfortable because it infers that I have some expertise with INFPs. I don't. I'm just very knowledgeable about me as an INFP. I read Type Talk and Please Understand Me when I…
You are what you believe
I have a System. It works for me. It's still an idea in progress, but for an INFP what isn't? I will try to explain it briefly because I see all things through this System view. The System exists. It is made up of relationships between people and things and…
Perfection is the end not the beginning
I venture that the most important part to any blog would be the actual posts. Too bad I haven't been writing many. How typically INFP of me. Considering that INFPs like things open-ended, it's a bit ironic that we have this tendency towards perfectionism. I want everything to be just…
What I learned as an INFP tonight at a seminar
I just got back from a wealth lecture about 2 hours ago. I love going to events from this particular company because I went to their almost-free three day seminar two years ago and I thought it was amazing and life changing. And no, I’m not mentioning the name of…
What being an INFP doesn’t tell you
I've never liked the term personality test applied to the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator. Each letter of the MBTI signifies a behavior preference. The letters tell me what I prefer to do, not who I am. For example, I'm a risk taker. Before I had children, I did many high-risk activities…

Happiness is a choice and so is unhappiness
INFPs tend toward depression and it's not really a big mystery as to why. It's about making choices and decisions. I think that's why INFPs who are extreme Ps are more depressed more often than INFPs who border the J preference. A very clear P preference tends to signal an…