
Why We Feel Lonely, Part 2
Read Part 1 - Intentional Separation (Us-vs-Them Mentality) The three reasons I think INFPs are lonely are: 1. We separate ourselves. 2. We exclude ourselves. 3. We refuse to be compared to others. Part One was about how we separate ourselves. Part Two is about exclusion. In my early 20's,…

Why We Feel Lonely, Part 1
A boy goes to his mom and says, "I'm bored." The mom replies, "Then you should stop being boring." This lesson applies in different variations. If I'm lonely, then I stop being alone. In my early 20's, I thought loneliness stemmed from feeling disconnected, and that disconnection was caused by…

Figuring Out What You Should Be Doing
I'm currently trying to figure out my Hedgehog Concept. The Hedgehog Concept comes from Jim Collins' book Good To Great. His book explains how good businesses become great businesses. However, his idea is exactly what INFPs need to achieve personal success. The Hedgehog Concept Our Hedgehog Concept is what we…
Making a Better Decision
I love TED videos because they make me rethink my view of the world. In the video, Harvard psychologist and happiness expert Dan Gilbert explains why we make bad decisions. I'm going to explain how I think it applies to INFPs. Since the video is long, here are the important…
Fulfilling our needs
I've never been a fan of Mazlow's hierarchy of needs because I never saw people moving from Physiological needs to Self-Actualization in any type of linear progression. We jump around. Sometimes love is more important than eating. Sometimes people forgo love completely for esteem through achievement. Instead, I prefer Tony…
Happiness means burning bridges
Watch the video. If you don't have the 21 minutes to watch the video, here's the important parts: Two kinds of happiness - There are two kinds of happiness: natural happiness and synthetic happiness. Natural happiness is happiness we get when get what we want. Synthetic happiness is synthesized happiness.…
You are what you believe
I have a System. It works for me. It's still an idea in progress, but for an INFP what isn't? I will try to explain it briefly because I see all things through this System view. The System exists. It is made up of relationships between people and things and…

Myth of the soulmate
Have you ever notice that for INFPs, a description of soulmate is like a shopping list that takes 15 minutes to describe when they're 20 and single, and still takes 15 minutes when they're 40 and single? INFPs everywhere are protesting that we aren't that shallow. I can't believe how…