
Advice To My Younger Self
The problem with giving advice to my younger self is saying something I would have listened to. My 20-year olds self thought I knew how everything should be and I didn't want to hear about the realities of living. Looking back, these are the eight things I wish I had…

How To Be a Better Quitter
People learn quitting by trial and error. Sometimes we get it right, but when we do it wrong, our self-esteem takes the brunt of that decision. We feel like a failure for not sticking it through or we feel stupid for attempting the endeavor in the first place. Everything we…

Measuring Your Growth
Growth is one of the 6 Critical Needs. Certainty, Uncertainty, Significance and Connection are needed for basic survival. But fulfillment requires Growth and Contribution. Everyone tries in some way to take action that betters their lives. These actions make us grow whether it's finding a better job or meeting that…

Figuring Out What You Should Be Doing
I'm currently trying to figure out my Hedgehog Concept. The Hedgehog Concept comes from Jim Collins' book Good To Great. His book explains how good businesses become great businesses. However, his idea is exactly what INFPs need to achieve personal success. The Hedgehog Concept Our Hedgehog Concept is what we…
Rediscovering our luck
I've always been lucky. It started when my family had to flee my native country and start all over dirt-poor. My dad was forty and I was five. I was even luckier when the first company to employ my dad closed. I ended up moving away from my only friend…
Making a Better Decision
I love TED videos because they make me rethink my view of the world. In the video, Harvard psychologist and happiness expert Dan Gilbert explains why we make bad decisions. I'm going to explain how I think it applies to INFPs. Since the video is long, here are the important…
Time for change
I'm changing. Or at least, I'm trying. Self-help guru Tony Robbins says that change happens in an instant. It's not some long drawn out process. It happens the moment we decide. I choose to believe him. People decide and then take action in that direction. Someone decides to stop drinking…
Four things I’m doing differently in 2010
I love the New Year. It's my favorite day on the calendar. It's the day where I can chalk up last year as a loss without guilt and try again. I love New Year's resolutions. I like my yearly deadline and the whooshing sound it makes when it goes flying…
How you do anything is how you do everything
I am so screwed. Let's do the INFP thing and begin at a seemingly unrelated topic: fractals and complex systems. Fractals have a property called self-similarity which means that if you just looked at part of the fractal, that part would look roughly similar to the whole. Complex systems have…
I’m calling a do-over with my INFP blog
Remember back in 2nd grade playing kickball where you'd get a do-over. You'd kick the ball into a teacher "by accident" or the ball went into the trees or something and you'd just call a do-over and start again. Don't you wish life could be more like that? Why not?…