
Why We Feel Lonely, Part 2
Read Part 1 - Intentional Separation (Us-vs-Them Mentality) The three reasons I think INFPs are lonely are: 1. We separate ourselves. 2. We exclude ourselves. 3. We refuse to be compared to others. Part One was about how we separate ourselves. Part Two is about exclusion. In my early 20's,…

Why We Feel Lonely, Part 1
A boy goes to his mom and says, "I'm bored." The mom replies, "Then you should stop being boring." This lesson applies in different variations. If I'm lonely, then I stop being alone. In my early 20's, I thought loneliness stemmed from feeling disconnected, and that disconnection was caused by…

Why I don’t have a best friend
Almost every Friday for the last 13 years, I've gone dancing at the same dance club. Last Friday, I met Ryan. I wouldn't have noticed him if my friend Rebecca hadn't pointed him out as someone she considered cute. I asked her why she didn't go over and say hi,…
My favorite question is: so what?
I waited a year before taking the time to design my blog. The first iteration took me 15 minutes to throw together from a template I found. This version, I spent roughly 60 hours designing and coding over the last 2 weeks. Even before I started design, my two questions…
What Twitter Says About Your Relationships, Part 2
If you haven't read Part 1, you missed the other types of Tweeters. The Reciprocal Tweeter Tweet: @ToWhomEver I thought your new blog post was great. Here's a link to mine. To be fair, it's sucks to give without getting. But that's not how Twitter works. That's not how relationships…
What Twitter Says About Your Relationships, Part 1
INFP is behavior. Behavior is self-similar. In other words, how you do anything is how you do everything. This applies to Twitter. Since Twitter is a communication platform, I think INFPs believe their objective on Twitter is to share information. If you're an INFP who thinks the end goal of…

Myth of the soulmate
Have you ever notice that for INFPs, a description of soulmate is like a shopping list that takes 15 minutes to describe when they're 20 and single, and still takes 15 minutes when they're 40 and single? INFPs everywhere are protesting that we aren't that shallow. I can't believe how…
Speaking INFP
The Care and Feeding of INFPs, part 2 Speaking INFP INFPs can be great communicators when they want to be. That's the big catch: when they want to be. By default, INFPs do two things that cause great frustration to other types. 1. Moving from point A to D while…
INFPs need alone time
The Care and Feeding of INFPs, part 1 Give your INFP some alone time INFPs need time to reset. We have this mental/emotional bookshelf where a book is an emotion or mindset. The acts of everyday living—going to work, interacting with people, striving towards goals, maintaining our lives—requires pulling a…
As of Friday last week, I've been married to an INTJ for 13 years. I attribute most of that success to finding someone who was willing to put up with me. That and the fact that I've never expected her to make me happy. Your personal happiness is a big…